
#!/usr/bin/env php

$root_dir = dirname(__DIR__);

// .ods files are NEVER overwritten (except in case of error, maybe? Do use version control)
    // you could do this:
        // json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/settings.json'));
    // or a for loop over a scandir() or an array of settings files & run many separate conversions
        // all settings shown are the defaults
        'source_dir' => $root_dir.'/test/data/src/',


        // bugfix: Fileformat encoding leaves some characters incompatible with utf8, so apply a fix with libreoffice cli

        // WARNING: OVERWRITES FILES if true
        // none of the files should be edited, generally. They're meant to be built from .ods spreadsheets
        // Good to set them false if testing some kind of error

